Government Affairs
For any organization, whether it is a business, labor organization, non-profit, or advocacy group, interacting with governmental entities is a necessary part of operations. Attorneys with The Urban Law Firm have vast experience in representing clients before city councils, county commissions, regulatory agencies, and the Nevada Legislature. Having a voice to represent you before these entities can assist in accomplishing goals and managing risks.
Our Government Affairs Team
The Government Affairs practice of The Urban Law Firm is managed by Michael A. Urban, Esq. and co-managed by Nathan R. Ring, Esq. The two first partnered to represent clients during the 2011 Nevada Legislative Session and each had many years of experience prior to the 2011 Nevada Legislative Session in government relations and public policy campaigns.
Mr. Urban has represented clients before government committees and bodies in three states for over 35 years. Mr. Ring has worked for a United States Senator and as a consultant on political campaigns. He also worked for the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau in 2009 and lobbied the Nevada Legislature during the 2011, 2013 and 2015 sessions on behalf of several labor organizations, advocacy groups, and private clients. During the 2017 Legislative Session, Mr. Ring will again be a full-time lobbyist based in Carson City.
Government Affairs Services Provided
- Full-time lobbyists in Carson City during the Legislative Session;
- Representation at events during the intersession period;
- Legal analysis and opinions on pending legislation;
- Attending hearings and meetings where relevant legislation is developed and negotiated and advocating your positions as necessary;
- Testimony before committees on pending legislation;
- Working with legislative partners to secure bill sponsors and co-sponsors for proposed legislation;
- Weekly written reports pertaining to the work performed on each matter and progress of each legislative proposal or priority;
- Meeting with legislators on all legislative priorities;
- Immediate client emergency contact on all highest priority pending matters;
- Attendance at meetings with lobbyists from outside organizations;
- Development of message in support of or in opposition to pending legislation;
- Building alliances with other groups to further client interests;
- Final report at the end of each Legislative Session highlighting goals accomplished and work to be done in future Legislative Sessions;
- Relationship building with key decision-makers at all levels of government and in the private sector;
- Development of fact sheets and talking points to effectively communicate your needs and positions;
- Preparing, tracking, and lobbying for or against legislation as needed to protect client interests;
- Attending hearings and meetings where relevant legislation is developed and negotiated and advocating client positions as necessary;
- Developing opportunities to coordinate activities with stakeholders having common interests;
- Conducting regular meetings to update client on developments in client's areas of interest.
government affairs ATTORNEYS
- Michael A. Urban
- Nathan R. Ring
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